Category: Sewing
Jack JK-1790G Button Sew
1 Thread CleannessSuitable for sewing button hole of light wovenmaterial such as shirts. The remaining thread isshorter than 2.5mm, no need manual trimming. 2 High Adaptability For KnittedMaterialSpecial presser foot, small needle plate andcloth carrier are standard, which can presshigh-elastic material easily and sew beautifulstitches. Higher adaptability for knittedmaterial, lower rate of thread breakage. 3…
Checking Tension and Timing on a Post Machine
Here’s some helpful videos to help you check your timing and tension on a post machine that can be used to do repairs or manufacture wigs. How to use a high post sewing machine. This machine is like a model Singer 51W post bed or earlier one based on a Wheeler & Wilson N12.Basic repair…
Art Miami
Miami local artist Agusto Esquivel uses sewing buttons and monofilament thread for artwork as you can see different forms of artwork where he does a flag and shark. This was displayed at the Aldo Castillo gallery at our Miami Art context. December 4, 2022 at Herald Plaza. John S and James L Knight Concert Hall
Get America Sewing Again! Seamstress needed.
We get calls every week that companies are looking for someone to sew for them. This past few weeks we get a call everyday.
Rimoldi 229-00-05 Five thread Overlock a Sewing Machine with safety stitch.
The Rimoldi 229-00-05 is a five-thread overlock sewing machine that features a safety stitch. Let’s explore its capabilities: Rimoldi 229. Five thread Overlock a Sewing Machine safety stitch. Complete with table Stan and 110 volt motor fully assembled Here are some additional details: The Rimoldi 229-00-05 stands out in the sewing machine market for its robust construction and dependable performance.…
How to sew face mask
Well I remember when there was a sewing machine in everyone’s home. There is still a lot of machines in peoples homes but most of them are sitting along and haven’t been used for a long time. We have new and used machine and willing to turn up the used one. Also we are available…
How we ship an assembled and tested Industrial Sewing Machines
We test all our machines that we ship to customers. We will test with the materials and thread that you ask us to.To a residential address the shipping cost is usually $135.00 more than going to a business . This will be a curve side delivery, the machine will be drop off a the curve…
Fashion Show Alteration Room for Dior
Alteration room and ironing room for fashion show at the Confidante Beach Miami Beach for Art Basel 2019.
Treadle Sewing Machine
Treadle (from Old English: tredan, “to tread”) is a foot-powered lever mechanism; it is operated by treading repeatedly, providing an ingenious way to utilize human power for mechanical processes. The treadmill, treadle sewing machine is a remarkable example of this technology, equipped with a belt that enhances its functionality and allows users to order parts…